CV-Tricks stands for computer vision tricks. In this blog, we write about the practical tips, tricks, and methods used for making world-class computer vision solutions. We believe that computer vision is still in its infancy and increasingly computer vision is going to be embedded into most of our systems. Cars and drones are just a beginning. As any sane computer vision practitioner, We are very bullish on artificial intelligence/deep learning, so we are going to cover a lot of TensorFlow and Caffe which are our primary weapons of choice. But we also understand that a lot of systems don’t have GPUs so we also write content around openCV, DLIB based computer vision solutions.
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People behind CV-Tricks:
Koustubh Sinhal:
Koustubh is an expert in Deep Learning technology with extensive experience in Deep Learning frameworks like Caffe and Tensorflow. He’s an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, India’s premier engineering institute with an acceptance rate of < 2%. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.
Ankit Sachan
Ankit Sachan is an expert in building scalable Deep Learning solutions using popular libraries like Tensorflow. He’s also a Google Developer Expert(GDE) in Machine Learning. He received his Bachelor of Technology degree from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He can be reached on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Both Ankit and Koustubh co-founded iLenze, a computer vision and deep learning company that built visual search systems for lifestyle and fashion. Today, we run AIMonk, deep learning and machine learning platform specialized in computer vision building next-generation products and features using AI. If you are solving any interesting problem using Deep Learning and computer vision, do reach out to us at