
Human pose estimation using Deep Learning in OpenCV

by Ankit Sachan • February 13, 2020

I recently came across a very interesting use-case of computer vision and AI. Runners Need is a UK based sports shoe brand. They offer automated gait analysis using computer vision before they sell you a customized shoe. Gait analysis is a method for identifying biomechanical abnormalities in the way in which you walk or run. A video […]

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Comprehensive guide to installing OpenCV 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 from source

by Utkarsh Gupta • June 6, 2019

OpenCV is an open source computer vision library which is very popular for performing basic image processing tasks such as blurring, image blending, enhancing image as well as video quality, thresholding etc. In addition to image processing, it provides various pre-trained deep learning models which can be directly used to solve simple tasks at hand. […]

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Deep Learning based Edge Detection in OpenCV

by Ankit Sachan • February 19, 2019

In this post, we will learn how to use deep learning based edge detection in OpenCV which is more accurate than the widely popular canny edge detector. Edge detection is useful in many use-cases such as visual saliency detection, object detection, tracking and motion analysis, structure from motion, 3D reconstruction, autonomous driving, image to text […]

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Running Deep Learning models in OpenCV

by Ankit Sachan • July 12, 2018

The largest computer vision library OpenCV can now deploy Deep learning models from various frameworks such as Tensorflow, Caffe, Darknet, Torch. This tutorial is a step by step guide with code how I deployed YOLO-V2 model in OpenCV. OpenCV: The open source computer vision library for everyone: OpenCV has been the go-to library for computer […]

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Case-Study: Better HAAR feature-based Eye Detector using OpenCV

by koustubh • January 11, 2017

Motivation behind this post: Opencv object detectors which are built using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers is at least a decade old. OpenCV framework provides a default pre-built haar and lbp based cascade classifiers for face and eye detection which are very good quality detectors. However, I had never measured the accuracy of these face and […]

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